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Monday, April 27, 2009

Friendship Candle

May the Candle of our Friendship burn Forever..............).........................((.........................) \.......................(

Testimonial Stars


Guitar Testimonial


Butterfly testimonial

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100% Cute Testimonial

HEY CHECK IT OUT...!!!__88888____888888___888888____88___8___88_888___88888888_88888888__8888_8_______888___888__888_888__888___88_8_______

Friends 4 Ever Testimonial

()""*()( 'o' ) ") OnE MinUte(")_(")()""*()( 'o' ) ") OnE hOuR(")_(")()""*()( 'o' ) ") OnE DaY(")_(")()""*()( 'o' ) ") OnE WeEk(")_(")()""*(

Testimonial For a Special Friend

U R..:.As innocent as a flower¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)As sweet as cherry pie¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)As beautiful as a sunset¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)As bright

You re Special - TEstimonial

YOU ARE─████─████─████─████─█──███──█─────█─█────█──█─█────█──█─█─█───█─█─────█─████─████─████─█────█─█████─█─────█────█─█────█────█──█─█─█

Sweet Friend Testimonial

▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒  ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒  ▒▒▒ Make a friend, is a gift ▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ Have a friend, is a Grace ▒▒▒▒ Maintain a friend, is a virtue ▒ ▒▒▒ But, ha

Fallin Stars Testimonial

^♥^       ^♥^  ^♥^       ^♥^  ^♥^       ^♥^     ^♥^ ^♥^ ^♥^     ^♥^ ^♥^At night,look at the sky,If you see a falling Star,Don't wonder why,

You Rock!!!

You Rock!!!_+88________ROCK_ON~!!!___________+880_____________________________++88_____________________________++88________________________

You Rocks


Cool Testimonial

.«♣».•´¯`•.«♣».• FRIENDLY .«♣».•´¯`•.«♣».•.«♣».•´¯`•.«♣».• CARE FREE .«♣».•´¯`•.«♣».•.«♣».•´¯`•.«♣».• TALKTIVE .«♣».•´¯`•.«♣».•.«♣».•´¯`•.«

Friendship Bus Testimonial

Delivery for you???|““““““““““““““““““““““““||_|..........*scraps *...........|||“|““__|________________ _ |||_|___|)!(@)“(@)““““**!(@)(@)*

Blessing Orkut Testimonial

DEAR GOD* . *.*. * . ** . *.*OPEN** . *.*. * . * . * THE WINDOWS* .. * . * ..* * . *.*. * OF HEAVEN¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) * . *.*LOOK TO ME(¸.•

Just You

Make a friend... it´s a gift!Have a friend... it´s a grace!Keep a friend... it´s a virtue!But being ur friend... it´s a HONORthe sweetest i

Big Star 4 Nice Friend


Love and Thanks Testimonial

_____xxxxxxxx________xxxxxxxx T____xxxxxxxxxx______xxxxxxxxxxx H___xxxxxxxxxxxxx___xxxxxxxxxxxxx A___xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx N___xxxx

I Love You Testimonial

╔★═╗ ╔╗        ╔╗╔╗╚╗╔╝ ║║★═╦╦╦═╗ ║★╝╠═╦╦╗╔╝╚╗ ★╚╣║║║║╠╣ ╚╗╔╣║♂║★╚═★╝ ╚═╩═╩★╩═╝  ╚╝╚═╩═╝*..\_O_/.........[]............//..............\\..

Friendship Star Testimonial

!ALWAYZ B HAPPY MY FRIEND!!!!keep shining like this star.___________________*_____________________________________***______________________

Friendship heart Blessing


Teddy Bear and Heart Testimonial

wishing u............(...(`.-``'´´-.´)...)..........12 months of happiness..............)......--.......--....(...........52 weeks of fun..

Friendship Heart Testimonial


Testimonial for a Special Friend

`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)        `·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)  `·.¸.·´           `·.¸.·´       "Special"is a wordthat is used to describesomething one-of-a-kindlike a

Friendship Testimonial with Heart

Friendship is a Rainbow between,Two hearts, sharing seven feelings:1....Love2....Happiness3....Truth4....Faith5....Secret6....Trust &7.
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