How to Be a Sex Star English Comedy Movie 2010
Cast And Crew
Cast: Nathan Hill,Carter Doyle,
Christina Collard,Daniel Rankin,
Naomi Davis ,Nikki Baker,
Candice Day,Aria Delahey,
Alysha Jackson,Fenella Kennedy,Daisy LeCerf
Director:Nick Levy
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 1 May 2010 (Australia)
Runtime:Australia:80 min
Country: Australia
SexStar follows Nathan Hill, a Casanova whose chief occupation is the 'rounding' of women. He juggles five different girls over a series of hilarious dates, all while trying to maintain his reputation by nailing the hottest girl in the city. Equal parts entertaining, informative and controversial, SexStar finally reveals the truth about the games men play to pick up women.free How to Be a SexStar English Hollywood Film The film Directed by Nick Levy.English movie online Hollywood movie online Comedy Movie Romantic movie online movie trailer movie review movie story

Fully prepared for a documentary, I found SexStar to be my brand of ludicrous. The pick-up artist is hardly a creature of sheer technique, so to present all this as mere performance to be aped is funny indeed. The jargon is utterly pointless except to highlight the little regard Hill has for womankind. The presentation sequences have a bone-headed literalness that mocks the trope. The reenactments are gamely performed, but could never be mistaken for anything but. Toward the end Hill reclines in his lips-shaped chair with a roaring caveman laugh as crayon loveletters flit across the screen. I would have you believe that I was laughing even harder.
This movie was damn hilarious! I watched it with some buddies and we had a great laugh. It's really for anyone who ever wanted to know how to attract girls but never succeeded. We've all been there and finally someone is giving us the answers. The stuff Nathan Hill says about women and how they tick is spot on. And his techniques to pick them up are just hilarious, in particular when he was using fire and ice and shake the bake – might even use them myself… the chicks in this film were really hot which made it easy to watch, especially the little brunette who name I can't remember. I'd recommend if you're in the mood for a good time and a lot of laughs.
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